Inferring ongoing cancer evolution from single tumour biopsies using synthetic supervised learning

Tom W. Ouellette and Philip Awadalla

Our Software
    1. CanEvolve.jl - generating synthetic VAF distributions representative of tumour evolution
    2. TumE - fast evolutionary inferences in sequenced tumour biopsies using synthetic supervised learning

Other Software References
    1. MOBSTER - a mixture model for subclone detection that properly accounts for neutral dynamics in tumour populations
    2. CancerSeqSim.jl - a tumour evolution simulator based on stochastic branching process
    3. sciClone - a variational Bayesian mixture model for subclone detection that does not take into account neutral dynamics in tumour populations
    4. TEMULATOR - a tumour evolution simulator based on stochastic branching process (similar to CancerSeqSim.jl) but with faster implementation

Paper references
    1. Caravagna et al. 2020 Subclonal reconstruction of tumour populations using machine learning and population genetics. Nature Genetics
    2. Fay and Wu 2000 Hitchhiking under positive darwinian selection. Genetics
    3. Miller et al. 2014 SciClone: Inferring clonal architecture and tracking the spatial and temporal patterns of tumor evolution. PLOS Computational Biology
    4. Tajima 1989 Statistical method for testing the neutral mutation hypothesis by DNA polymorphism. Genetics
    5. Werner et al. 2020 Measuring single cell divisions in human tissues from multi-region sequencing data. Nature Communications
    6. Williams et al. 2016 Identification of neutral tumour evolution across cancer types. Nature Genetics
    7. Williams et al. 2018 Quantification of subclonal selection in cancer from bulk sequencing data. Nature Genetics